Let’s Forget Right or Wrong!

Training Programs for a Better World
The Best Results are Achieved by Combining New Knowledge and Skills

Let’s Forget Right or Wrong!

It is natural to view the world from your own perspective and to think that the way you do things is the only right way. This way of thinking can be very influential however not always beneficial when you interact across cultures and you want to have a proper and effective communication.

Cultural competence is the art of how to interacting efficiently and appropriately across cultures. It requires an understanding of other cultures and also of one’s own culture.  Having an attitude of openness and empathy for others plays an important role in this context. To be flexible and adapt to new conditions and at the same time stay yourself is a challenge, but curiosity and the ability to address misunderstandings properly can take you far. It is extremely important to know that being different is not right or wrong. It is just being different: Fork or chopsticks, flat or hierarchical organizations, bowing or shaking hands – nothing is more right than the other.

Find our intercultural training programs here