Cultural Meetings

Training Programs / Cultural Meetings

A workshop for integration, new connections and broader understanding

Cultural Meetings is a workshop and a real meeting place for everyone who lives in Sweden. We address both, native Swedes and people from around the world. The workshop suits NGO’s and other organizations that want to create new meeting places and contribute to integration. Seriousness and laughter all combined in lectures mixed with interactive exercises. Intercultural competence is needed to understand both your own and other cultures’ values. People are different but different is not right or wrong it is just different.



Culture and Intercultural Competence

  • What culture is and simple advice for becoming more interculturally competent.

Communication and Interaction

  • How we can talk and work together despites differences to enrich communication instead of being lead by prejudice, misunderstandings or conflicts.

“Typically Swedish”

  • How being “typically Swedish” affects the cultural meeting. How do Swedes, and people from other cultures see how Swedes talk and act?

To Adjust Without Losing Yourself

  • The art to adapt to new cultures without losing yourself. Who should one adapt and how to go about it?


An evening or half day
6-22 participants

Experience a workshop combining lectures and interactive exercises in a fun and interesting way.


  • Through new meetings between people strengthen network between people.
  • Spread knowledge and skills in intercultural competence.

Customized Design

We can customize this training program to meet your organization’s specific needs by adapting both the design and content. Below are examples of different training designs:

Basic-knowledge Workshop

Half a day
6-22 participants

These fun workshops are a combination of lectures and interactive exercises which introduce you to the chosen topic and provide enough knowledge for a basic understanding of it. We create engagement that enables you to identify areas for improvement.

In-practice Workshop

1-4 days
6-16 participants

In addition to providing basic information and simple understanding of the topic, this workshop provides practical skills. Lectures are varied with interactive exercises. The focus is on practicing communication and interaction skills that can be then used in practice in everyday work.


45-90 min in 1-2 days
1-3 participants

Our consultations include personal and small group coaching, guidance, education and training. During our consultation time, we develop individual skills, strategies and give specific advice based on the clients’ own questions.

Online Consultation

45-90 min per session
1-3 participants

Our consultations include individual and small group coaching, guidance, education and training. During our consultation time, we develop individual skills, strategies and give specific advice based on the clients’ own questions.

Inspirational Lectures

20 min-2 hours
10 to 300 participants

All our lectures are inspirational lectures that create enthusiasm for a new subject and the discovery of a new area of knowledge. We help you to see greater and better possibilities and motivate you to willingly make the needed changes needed.

Combined Package

We combine workshops, training material and strategic consultations to target the specific challenges of your organization at different levels of department, board or the whole organization. In this package, we apply the wholeness approach to change and organizational development. Through this, we make sure that everyone within your organization shares the same understanding of the working culture you desire and have the necessary tools to live it every day.


Interested in Intercultural Competence Trainings?

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