Diversity and Inclusion

Our Expertise – Diversity and Inclusion

Unleash the power of differences

Why is inclusion needed?

Exclusion often happen unintendedly, and lack of inclusion can lead to:

  • Less profitability and bad service to customers.
  • Violation of taking active measures according to discrimination law.
  • Discontent, cooperation difficulties and exclusion.

Instead inclusion is when everyone can be themselves and are given equal opportunity to contribute with their unique competence. The strength in cooperation between different co-workers can lead to synergy effects. Inclusive workplaces are essential to build a social sustainable society.

Training for communication beyond we and them

Inclusion requires awareness so we train leaders and co- workers to:

  • Understand how different personality, work roles and identities contribute to better result.
  • Communicate for inclusion and handle disagreement.
  • Challenge own prejudice.

Our participant appreciate that we don not only teach theories but focus on hands- on techniques to strengthen inclusive practices and communication. The focus is on understanding and strengthen cooperation between co-workers in the own workplace since this is where exclusion occur.

3 usual mistakes made by employers


See categories instead of individuals


Choose similar people to work with


Values and policies are clear but skills are missing

Training Programs


Enjoy differences and improve your teamwork

Achieve better understanding, communication and cooperation in your team!